Why Join Mecomed?

  • Mecomed fosters collaboration among industry stakeholders, policymakers, and healthcare players. This collaborative network can have a significant impact on shaping healthcare policies and regulations that promote robust access to innovative solutions in the region.
  • Members have the opportunity to join their voice to provide input and shape interactions, contributing to the improvement of healthcare standards in MEA.

  • Access to a wealth of market intelligence tools, regulatory updates, briefings, and educational resources ensures members stay informed up-to-date and compliant.
  • Mecomed offers access to thought leadership on issues facing the industry, as well as to global and regional trends that are shaping the healthcare.
  • Ethical principles and guidelines are actively developed & upheld within the association, promoting best practices and integrity in the industry.

  • Mecomed's global partnerships with industry associations offer access to a wealth of international expertise.
  • Members benefit from our presence at key international forums and exhibitions, such as MedTech Forum, Arab Health, Saudi Global Health and Afri Summit, among others.

  • Members can tap into a well-established network of industry leaders, regulators, and policymakers, facilitating valuable connections in addition to benefiting from on-demand appointments where necessary.
  • Tailored roundtables and capacity-building sessions provide opportunities for in-depth engagement with policymakers and regulatory bodies.
  • We regularly conduct capacity building trainings for the members of various groups to elevate our industry expertise in the MEA region.

  • We work with policy makers and regulatory authorities to define and establish regulatory and legislative frameworks that expedite access to the most innovative and safest medical technologies in the MEA region.
  • Our members benefit from ongoing regulatory and legal intelligence updates so they can stay up to date with, and anticipate, regulatory changes (help members stay ahead of compliance requirements).

To Join Mecomed

Mecomed membership is open to corporate organizations falling into the following categories:

  1. Multi-national manufacturers operating in MEA.
  2. Their regional partners.
  3. National associations based in MEA.
Please submit your expression of interest