Ethical Practices

As part of Mecomed’s ongoing commitment to shaping the industry through ethical practices, the Mecomed Code of Ethical Business Practice regulates all aspects of the industry’s relationships with Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and Healthcare Organizations (HCOs).

In addition, Mecomed’s ethical and compliance initiatives are tools to ensure that these collaborative relationships meet the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and transparency.

Read Code of Ethics

Certification & Documents

Applications to the Mecomed Certification process are tools that allow various stakeholders to voluntarily demonstrate their commitment to the ethical standards outlined in the Mecomed Code of Ethical Business Practice to industry partners.

Certified Partners

The Mecomed Code of Ethical Business Practice regulates aspects of the medical devices industry’s relationships...

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TPI Certification Platform

The Mecomed Code of Ethical Business Practices which came into force in 2009 and recently updated in February 2021...

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